Thursday, October 28, 2010

database 10/28/10

Today I started using Microsoft access to create a database. It was hard at first but after reading the samples on the website it wasn't to bad. I start out my making a database for the lock haven volleyball team. This is just a practice but I plan on adding on and making more. I am not sure of all the things you can to with access but I am excited to learn and see how I can apply this to teaching. I am going to read up on it a and see what else I can come up with. Over all it was a good first day just getting my feet wet.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Photo Story continued 10/26/10

Today I Just continued to work on my digital story. It took me a while but I found out how to add music. When adding music you have to make sure that the music doesn't over power your own voice recorded. This is where I ran into some trouble, but after some adjusting I was able to get it where it had to be. After doing this I review it a final time and turned it in the drop box.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

excel & spreadsheet 10/21/10

Today in class Arm began to talk about Microsoft excel. I have never used Microsoft excel so I was a little behind. It didn't take long for me to catch up though. We started out with just an example document, placing heading and numbers in rows and columns. After we got comfortable with this he told us something about mail merge. This is when you take one document say Microsoft excel and merge it with Microsoft word. this was kind of cool because I never knew you could do such a thing. The example we did was taking a list of students and their grades of exams and took the average and total and sum. After this we went to Microsoft word and make a letter that had students name, grade, percent, and letter grade. He showed us the mail merge process and we went threw the six set process. At the end it was like a print out of all the student grades on separate pages. I feel like this will be very helpful as a teach to letting parents know how there children are doing in school. I am looking forward to working with excel in the future.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Photo Story 10/19/10

Today I began working on my digital story assignment. I began doing this by going into photo story a program on the computer and exploring it. Photo story is completely new to me I have never made movie or anything like this. I found it difficult but after a while I caught on. I started just uploading pictures and adding a few titles to the slides. I just found out how to do different kinds of transitions and change the font around. So I plan on working with this a little more. I also plan on adding music and voice recording but I have not yet figured out how. I am looking forward to learning more so I am able to finish this and making many more movies.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

newsletter on water safety 10/13/10

Today I started working on the newsletter. I had never done anything like this before, I had no idea where to start. I found out that there is a program on Microsoft that is made just for this which is Microsoft publisher. You just have to make sure you have this program on your computer. Once you have this one your computer you can pick any template you would like for the news letter. I found that it was a lot easier just to plug in information into the template then trying to make your own. I decided to do a news letter one water safety tips. In the newsletter I talk about swimmers, divers, alcohol, cold water survival, watching small children, boating, causes of drowning, and other tips. I think this new tool would be a great thing to use in the classroom and to send home to the parents as well. I feel after learning how to use publisher I will be able to send home weekly newsletters in school.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Publisher 10-05-10

Today we start to work with publisher. This was the first time that I had ever used this program. It seem a little confusing at first but after I played around and Dr. Hossain showed us some to the things we could do it was pretty cool. The first thing we worked on was business cards. It had easy to use templates that were already set up all you had to do was pick one. Once we picked a template we started to edit our personal information. Such as: our name, our phone number, address, motto, and much more. After do this we saved on our w drive so we can access it from any computer on campus. Next we learned how to make news letters, brochures, resumes, and certificates. As future educators I found all of these tools will be very useful and I am look forward to exploring them more.