Thursday, October 21, 2010

excel & spreadsheet 10/21/10

Today in class Arm began to talk about Microsoft excel. I have never used Microsoft excel so I was a little behind. It didn't take long for me to catch up though. We started out with just an example document, placing heading and numbers in rows and columns. After we got comfortable with this he told us something about mail merge. This is when you take one document say Microsoft excel and merge it with Microsoft word. this was kind of cool because I never knew you could do such a thing. The example we did was taking a list of students and their grades of exams and took the average and total and sum. After this we went to Microsoft word and make a letter that had students name, grade, percent, and letter grade. He showed us the mail merge process and we went threw the six set process. At the end it was like a print out of all the student grades on separate pages. I feel like this will be very helpful as a teach to letting parents know how there children are doing in school. I am looking forward to working with excel in the future.

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