Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11/30/10 getting things done

Today I went and had tech support help me make our movie make video into a smaller size. The we I had it set up you were not able to view our video from any other computer because it was to large and took forever to download. Today I made it into a small size so you can view it from anywhere. The only problem now is the quality is not as good as before but still not to bad. Next i linked this to my personal website so anyone can view it. After doing this I also linked our chapter project to my website so anyone can view this. Things are moving along great. This semester is wrapping up and we only have a few more things to do. I can not wait to get all my more done!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

videa editing 11/18/10

Today our group meet and start our video editing project. We start but just brain storming of what are video was going to be about. We then wrote our scripts and went over them a few time. We had to find a video camera to record to we turned to the library and used there video recorder. Next we began recording, we found it was hard to record ourselves without laughing. We finally pulled it together and got our record all done to perfections. Next we uploading the video to the computer. We then went on windows movie maker and began working. Sarah is going finish up this and Seth is going to finish up our lesson plan for teaching at the lake. After doing all this I found that this would be a great tool for teaching or even help out in coaching in the future. I am looking forward to working with movie maker in the future.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

chapter reading 11/16/10

Today Jordan and I began working on our chapter presentation. We decided to do ours on the Internet section. We are planning on making a power point and covering key topics. We feel that this will help us and others learn more about what we can do with the Internet.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

podcast project 11/11/10

Today our group meet up and worked on our podcast project. First we sat down and discussed what we were all going to talk about. Next we wrote down our individual script of what we were going to say. Keith went to the library and rented a mic so we were able to record. Kevin was the first to go followed by Keith, Seth, Sarah, and then myself. After we got all this down I began editing it and making changes. I next added music to the background so it sounded  a little better. I am still trying to figure out how to save the work as a MP3 but I was able to submit it and hopefully the correct way. I am going back tonight to the computer lab to try to figure out how to save it as an MP3. I am looking forward to linking it to my website so other can listen and enjoy it as well.

podcast script

Caleb Canterbury
EDTF 200 sec 02
November 11, 2010

Podcast Script
            Hi my name is Caleb Canterbury. Today I am going to talk about teaching at the lake. Our group came up with several different projects to help us teach about the lake: including poster, power point, and booklets. I decided to used publisher to make a newsletter. Newsletters can be very helpful in schools and help keep parents aware of things going on in the school. In my news I covered swimming, diving, boater safety and alcohol at the lake. Boating before getting under way! First check your boat for all required safety equipment. Next consider the size of your boat, the number of passengers and the amount of extra equipment that will be on board. Don’t overload the boat. If you will be in a power boat check your electrical system and fuel system for gas. Follow the manufactures suggestions before starting up the engine. Wear your life jacket don’t just carry one on board. You should work to increase your safety not increase your risk.  Make sure you check the weather forecast beforehand. You do not want to get caught in a storm. If you keep these few things in mind when boating you will not only have a better time you will have a safer time. Alcohol on the lake, it is a fact alcohol and water don’t mix. Unfortunately many people ignore this. Each year about 300 people died due to alcohol related drowning. Just one beer can impair your balance, vision, judgment, and reaction time. This can be deadly if operating and boat or even just swimming. So next time you head to the lake leave the alcohol behind. If you would like to read more on this topic go to my website www.student.lhup.edu/ccanterb/ and clink on newsletter.
Thank you

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

podcast 11/9/10

Today we took a look at podcast. The tech support came in and give us a few examples of what is podcast and how to use it. We had to download it onto our computers and then open it up with some program. We just practiced with it today by cutting some audios and pasting them on others. we also tried added sounds but there seemed to be some sort of problem with it on PC. We also looked at an audio clip and added commercials and changed the wording around. Podcast is still new to me and will take some getting use to but I am looking forward to it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

eccel continued 11/4/10

Today the teach support was there which was a relive he is a great help. I started out by just finish up all my excel projects. I finished up my letter that I was planning on merging to the excel spreadsheet and made sure I spell checked it. Next Arm help me with the mail merge I know I did it before it just been awhile and I needed a little refresher. He showed me some and then let me try it one my own. After sometime I was able to get it and I had him check it over and he said it looked good. Next he talk about our grade book and give us some examples. After this it was easy to calculate the cells using the formulas he showed us. By the end of the day I was able to complete all of my excel work that was due. I turned everything in the drop box and well as put it on my site. My site is coming alone great and I plan to add it as the semester goes one.