Thursday, November 4, 2010

eccel continued 11/4/10

Today the teach support was there which was a relive he is a great help. I started out by just finish up all my excel projects. I finished up my letter that I was planning on merging to the excel spreadsheet and made sure I spell checked it. Next Arm help me with the mail merge I know I did it before it just been awhile and I needed a little refresher. He showed me some and then let me try it one my own. After sometime I was able to get it and I had him check it over and he said it looked good. Next he talk about our grade book and give us some examples. After this it was easy to calculate the cells using the formulas he showed us. By the end of the day I was able to complete all of my excel work that was due. I turned everything in the drop box and well as put it on my site. My site is coming alone great and I plan to add it as the semester goes one.

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