Thursday, September 30, 2010


This week during class we learned about making booklets. Booklets can be made on microsoft word for a number of topics. This is a great thing to know how to do not just for in this class but also when we become educators. I feel like I could use this in my health classes and have the students make a booklet on a health topic. This could also be used in elementary physical education for having students understand new sports. I am really looking forward to making booklets in this class and also in the future.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sept 28, 2010 google docs

Today we learned how to use google docs. This allows you to share all of your work with your group members on the web. This will come in very handy when working at home and your not able to meet with your group members. Today we just started with adding all of our individual blogs. We then learned how to share with our group members. Then we all were able to add and help each other work together. I feel like google docs will not only be a great too for us to use this semester but also in our future as educators.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

webquest for eating healthy

Web site evaluation

Name:  Caleb Canterbury Date:   9-8-10
Course:  EDFT 200 Section 02

Evaluating Internet Resources
URL of Web site:
Name of Web site:  Web Md.
Primary use:   X students            X teachers           X  others:      _____ (mark all that apply)
Purpose or goal of this Web site:
This web site is designed to educate people on health issues, offer information on injuries and diseases, and offer information were to go for assistance in health problems
Organization created this site:
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO)
Do they have a built-in bias towards the information?  (Explain briefly)
No, they are an independent organization that is a watch dog for medical facilities
What other references are cited for the information presented?
American Social Health Organization
What other types of organizations link to this site? (Using the Google search engine, type link: and the Web site address (example:
American College of Sports Medicine

University Health Library
Who is the author of the page and does that person have valid credentials to present this information?
All articles are written by physician, or health professionals
Is there a way to provide feedback on the Web site and create an exchange with the author or Web site manager?
no, only able to search topics
How old is the material on the Web site? Is it current or outdated?
This is a medical magazine that comes out monthly all articles are current
Describe how this Web site might be used in your Unit
I would be able to access any medical conditions or sports related health issues.
Reviewing your answers above, is this a good site to use for your Unit? Yes
Name: Caleb Canterbury   Date:   9-8-10
Course:  EDTF 200     Section 02

Evaluating Internet Resources
URL of Web site:
Name of Web site:  American Academy of Pediatrics
Primary use:    X students            X teachers           X others:      _____ (mark all that apply) Patents 
Purpose or goal of this Web site: Committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well being for all infants, children, adolescents, and you adults
Organization created this site: American Academy of Pediatrics
Do they have a built-in bias towards the information?  (Explain briefly) There does not seem to have a built in bias towards the information. It seems that they are just trying to reach out and improve the health and well being of infants, children, and young adults.
What other references are cited for the information presented?
 Pediatric Education for
Prehospital Professionals (PEPP

What other types of organizations link to this site? (Using the Google search engine, type link: and the Web site address (example:

Who is the author of the page and does that person have valid credentials to present this information?
There is not an author for this page. It has a number professional education organization that have credentials as well.
Is there a way to provide feedback on the Web site and create an exchange with the author or Web site manager? The web site has a contact us section. You are able to mail in question with a paper base or electronic mail.
How old is the material on the Web site? Is it current or outdated? The material on the American Academy of Pediatrics site seems to be very up today. It was lasted updated in 2010.
Describe how this Web site might be used in your Unit. This website would be a great tool for future health and physical educators. It allows you help people of all ages ( infants, children, and young adult).
Reviewing your answers above, is this a good site to use for your Unit?  Yes
Name: __Caleb Canterbury_ Date:   9-8-10_  
Course:  EDTF 200_      Section 02

Evaluating Internet Resources
Name of Web site: Kids Health
Primary use:     X students            X  teachers           X  others:      _____ (mark all that apply) Patients
Purpose or goal of this Web site:
 The site is a safe, private place for teens who need honest, accurate information and advice about health, emotions, and life. Teens Health is accessible 24 hours a day so you can get the doctor-approved information you need to make educated decisions — or help a friend who needs advice.
Organization created this site: The Nemours Foundation
Do they have a built-in bias towards the information?  (Explain briefly) I don’t feel as if they have any built-in bias toward the information. Mostly they are just trying to improve the health of children.
What other references are cited for the information presented? The Nemours Foundation: one of the largest nonprofit organizations devoted to children's health.
What other types of organizations link to this site? (Using the Google search engine, type link: and the Web site address (example:
Medical Discovery News ::

Who is the author of the page and does that person have valid credentials to present this information? Neil Izenberg, MD Editor-in-Chief/Founder, Teens Health
Is there a way to provide feedback on the Web site and create an exchange with the author or Web site manager?
There is a contact site that answers any questions.
How old is the material on the Web site? Is it current or outdated? The site was started in 1995 but was updated in 2010
Describe how this Web site might be used in your Unit. The website will be very helpful in talking about different kind of STD and ways to prevent STD.
Reviewing your answers above, is this a good site to use for your Unit? X yes   

my concept map eating healthy

individual lesson plan

Caleb Canterbury


Lesson Title:  What fuel do our bodies need?

Summary of Lesson Plan:
   This lesson plan is for 3rd grade students who are studying Health. In this lesson students will use the computer to access web sites for information and learning video for the basic food groups. A power point presentation will be given describing the basic food groups and their importance in diet and health. Students will break up into groups, each group will make a poster of a food group. A quiz will be given at the end of the lesson.

Learner Analysis:
   General Characteristics: 3rd grade students with ability to search web sites given to them.

   Entry Competencies (prior Knowledge needed): Students need to be able to read at their grade level    and work well with other students.

   Learning Styles: Students must be able to have visual and hearing capabilities, and be able to have some hand coordination for typing and art work.

Prerequisite Teacher Skills:
   The teacher must be knowledgeable on how to produce a power point presentation, and have capability to find web sites that are at the students level of learning.

Teacher Standards that apply: ( from ISTE's Educational Technology Standards for Teachers)
1.                  Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.
b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools.
2.                  Design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments.
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
d. provide students with multiple and varied formative  summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.
3.                  Model digital-age work and learning.
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate,analyze,evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.

Objectives for the lesson:
1.                  Students will demonstrate they know the basic food groups by making posters.
2.                  Students will show their knowledge of  the food groups by answering a short quiz.
3.                  Students will demonstrate their ability to work with others in a team project.
4.                  The students demonstrate their ability to locate and navigate web sites.

List of Materials needed:
   A computer for each student, poster board for each food group, glue, scissors, markers, old magazines, paper and pencils.
Sequence of Activities:

Day one-  45 minutes
1.                  teacher will explain the topic to be studied and a short description
2.                  the teacher will assign the following web sites to be viewed
3.                  teacher will give the students the menu list to follow for each web site. On the first site students will follow the menu to learn each food group and what foods it contains.
4.                  on the second web site students will follow the menu to get to a cartoon video on proper diet and food groups

Day two-  45 minutes
1.                  students will view power point presentation by teacher
2.                  students will be assigned a team with a food group for each team
3.                  each team will make a list of foods in their food group

Day three-  45 minutes
1.                  students will go through magazines and cut out pictures of foods in their group
2.                  each team will assemble their poster
3.                  each team will present their poster to the class and explain their poster

Day four-  45 minutes
1.                  students will return to computers and check the web sites to compare their posters to the information on web sites
2.                  students will have a brief question and answer period with the teacher
3.                  a short quiz will be given

Description of Learner Evaluation:
1.                  teacher will visually assess students skills on the computer
2.                  teacher will have students discuss and evaluate each others posters
3.                  results of quiz will help assess students knowledge of subject

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Caleb Canterbury

       Hi my name is Caleb Canterbury. I am a senior at Lock Haven University going for Health and Physical Education. I Come from a very small town called Johnsonburg Pa. Most of you are probably like where the heck is Johnsonburg. Well it is about two hours northwest of central Pa. Johnsonburg popluation is about 1,500 on a good day, with only one red light.
       My graduating class had 54 kids. In High school I played football, wrestling, and track. I also was an eagle scout and prom king. In a small there is not to much to do. Some of my favorite things to do on my spare time are hunting, fishing, working out, and hanging out with friends. All of these activities led me to want to become a health and physical edcator.
      As far as technology I am not very good. After taking EDTF200 I would really like to be able to use excell, word, publisher and much more. On way I feel technology can help me as a teacher is making grade books and have students do on line video as a journel.
    Since I am not that great with technology I have never taking an on line class. I feel like I would rather see the professor in person rather then on line. That is why this class is going to be very different. Lastly one interesting fact about me is from my junior to senior year in high school I lost 75lb.