Thursday, September 2, 2010

Caleb Canterbury

       Hi my name is Caleb Canterbury. I am a senior at Lock Haven University going for Health and Physical Education. I Come from a very small town called Johnsonburg Pa. Most of you are probably like where the heck is Johnsonburg. Well it is about two hours northwest of central Pa. Johnsonburg popluation is about 1,500 on a good day, with only one red light.
       My graduating class had 54 kids. In High school I played football, wrestling, and track. I also was an eagle scout and prom king. In a small there is not to much to do. Some of my favorite things to do on my spare time are hunting, fishing, working out, and hanging out with friends. All of these activities led me to want to become a health and physical edcator.
      As far as technology I am not very good. After taking EDTF200 I would really like to be able to use excell, word, publisher and much more. On way I feel technology can help me as a teacher is making grade books and have students do on line video as a journel.
    Since I am not that great with technology I have never taking an on line class. I feel like I would rather see the professor in person rather then on line. That is why this class is going to be very different. Lastly one interesting fact about me is from my junior to senior year in high school I lost 75lb.

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