Thursday, September 23, 2010

Web site evaluation

Name:  Caleb Canterbury Date:   9-8-10
Course:  EDFT 200 Section 02

Evaluating Internet Resources
URL of Web site:
Name of Web site:  Web Md.
Primary use:   X students            X teachers           X  others:      _____ (mark all that apply)
Purpose or goal of this Web site:
This web site is designed to educate people on health issues, offer information on injuries and diseases, and offer information were to go for assistance in health problems
Organization created this site:
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO)
Do they have a built-in bias towards the information?  (Explain briefly)
No, they are an independent organization that is a watch dog for medical facilities
What other references are cited for the information presented?
American Social Health Organization
What other types of organizations link to this site? (Using the Google search engine, type link: and the Web site address (example:
American College of Sports Medicine

University Health Library
Who is the author of the page and does that person have valid credentials to present this information?
All articles are written by physician, or health professionals
Is there a way to provide feedback on the Web site and create an exchange with the author or Web site manager?
no, only able to search topics
How old is the material on the Web site? Is it current or outdated?
This is a medical magazine that comes out monthly all articles are current
Describe how this Web site might be used in your Unit
I would be able to access any medical conditions or sports related health issues.
Reviewing your answers above, is this a good site to use for your Unit? Yes
Name: Caleb Canterbury   Date:   9-8-10
Course:  EDTF 200     Section 02

Evaluating Internet Resources
URL of Web site:
Name of Web site:  American Academy of Pediatrics
Primary use:    X students            X teachers           X others:      _____ (mark all that apply) Patents 
Purpose or goal of this Web site: Committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well being for all infants, children, adolescents, and you adults
Organization created this site: American Academy of Pediatrics
Do they have a built-in bias towards the information?  (Explain briefly) There does not seem to have a built in bias towards the information. It seems that they are just trying to reach out and improve the health and well being of infants, children, and young adults.
What other references are cited for the information presented?
 Pediatric Education for
Prehospital Professionals (PEPP

What other types of organizations link to this site? (Using the Google search engine, type link: and the Web site address (example:

Who is the author of the page and does that person have valid credentials to present this information?
There is not an author for this page. It has a number professional education organization that have credentials as well.
Is there a way to provide feedback on the Web site and create an exchange with the author or Web site manager? The web site has a contact us section. You are able to mail in question with a paper base or electronic mail.
How old is the material on the Web site? Is it current or outdated? The material on the American Academy of Pediatrics site seems to be very up today. It was lasted updated in 2010.
Describe how this Web site might be used in your Unit. This website would be a great tool for future health and physical educators. It allows you help people of all ages ( infants, children, and young adult).
Reviewing your answers above, is this a good site to use for your Unit?  Yes
Name: __Caleb Canterbury_ Date:   9-8-10_  
Course:  EDTF 200_      Section 02

Evaluating Internet Resources
Name of Web site: Kids Health
Primary use:     X students            X  teachers           X  others:      _____ (mark all that apply) Patients
Purpose or goal of this Web site:
 The site is a safe, private place for teens who need honest, accurate information and advice about health, emotions, and life. Teens Health is accessible 24 hours a day so you can get the doctor-approved information you need to make educated decisions — or help a friend who needs advice.
Organization created this site: The Nemours Foundation
Do they have a built-in bias towards the information?  (Explain briefly) I don’t feel as if they have any built-in bias toward the information. Mostly they are just trying to improve the health of children.
What other references are cited for the information presented? The Nemours Foundation: one of the largest nonprofit organizations devoted to children's health.
What other types of organizations link to this site? (Using the Google search engine, type link: and the Web site address (example:
Medical Discovery News ::

Who is the author of the page and does that person have valid credentials to present this information? Neil Izenberg, MD Editor-in-Chief/Founder, Teens Health
Is there a way to provide feedback on the Web site and create an exchange with the author or Web site manager?
There is a contact site that answers any questions.
How old is the material on the Web site? Is it current or outdated? The site was started in 1995 but was updated in 2010
Describe how this Web site might be used in your Unit. The website will be very helpful in talking about different kind of STD and ways to prevent STD.
Reviewing your answers above, is this a good site to use for your Unit? X yes   

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